My Favourite Photos of 2016
I've rounded up some of my favourite photos that have been captured on my camera throughout the year. Some of the photos have been re-edited because let's face it, that's what us photographers love doing, and going through all my photos has reminded me of some of the best times I have had this year! I cannot wait to see what 2017 brings!
Love this shot which was taken for my Stay Driven look book at Oberon, just 3 hours west of Sydney. It was captured by Haylee and edited by me.
I took this at Richmond Lowlands for my 'Power of Passion' photoshoot. I also made it into a print for my thank you cards that I send out with each order.
For some reason this has always been my go-to wallpaper for my iMac which I took in New Zealand. I love how clean and simple it is.
Not only do I enjoy taking photos of cars, but I also love capturing the people behind the cars. This is the RWB family at the RWB NZ build. Left to right: Christian Coujin, Ichiraku Toshiya, Anthony Wong, Akira Nakai, Chern Wong, and Nan Su.
Hiding in the darkness. I love this shot of this R34 GTR taken at the World Time Attack Challenge.
My R34 parked on the side of the road in Oberon for my Stay Driven look book. I can't get enough of the rolling mountains in the background.
Not sure why I like this photo from my shoot with BATM4N so much, but I love how the orange and blue tones.
One of my favourite shots of the 'Waikato' RWB during its first drive in New Zealand. I captured this whilst lying down on the side of the road!
Another shot of my R34 taken at Oberon for my look book. I'm all about the blue and earth tones. Photos like this just make me want to get out and drive!
Following 'Chigiri' the second RWB in Australia after the build was complete in Melbourne. The amount of looks we got was insane, and I got to go for a drive in it shortly after this was taken.
I love how raw my car looks,. Huge sucker for industrial parks!
An aerial shot from my first helicopter ride. Would love to get more shots like this!
I took this at Palm Beach during a photoshoot with a GT4. Out of no where this 750-4SV drove past us and I was in absolute awe. Those that know me, know how much I love Aventadors.
My R34 with Matt's widebody R34 that I did a feature on for my 'What Drives You?' series.
This was taken on my camera earlier on in the year during a road trip. Brings back a lot of memories!
I took this of Toshiya and Nakai-san whilst sitting in New Zealand's first RWB. It was early in the morning before Nakai-san began working on the car.
Nakai-san working on 'Waikato' in New Zealand.
Cars and coffee from above. Taken at the RWB Australia build.
One of my favourite photos of Christian and 'Wakaito'. This was taken in the early hours of the RWB NZ build.
The two RWB NZ Porsches together for the first time. How incredible is the backdrop?
Hekigyoku. New Zealand's second RWB. How crazy is the colour!?
Admiring both RWB's <3
I took this of an R35 GTR at the GTR festival in Sydney. I am a huge sucker for sun flares!
Yet another shot from my Stay Driven road trip out at Oberon. This was taken up on a random hill that I stumbled across whilst turning down an off beaten track.
My favourite shot of the Sea Cliff Bridge. This was my first ever time taking a long exposure and I was so surprised at how it turned out!
My two favourite things. Cars and Architecture. This was taken at 6AM outside my favourite house at Palm Beach, after I wrapped up my first ever Stay Driven video.
Sydney's skyline :P
I took this of HH00NN's widebody R34 whilst following behind in my R34.
This was taken on the last day of the World Time Attack Challenge.
My favourite shot of the We Are Likewise 86 which I did a feature on during the World Time Attack Challenge.
Oliver's 180sx taken at Halfway Hangs. Probably my favoruite drifting event of the year.
Tom's S14 parked up at Halfway Hangs.
Another shot taken by Haylee on my camera. This was at 6AM down at Sea Cliff Bridge.
The Drift King staring right down my lens at the World Time Attack Challenge.
This 911 RSI turned up during the RWB build in Melbourne, and I instantly fell in love with it!
My R34 during the sunrise at one of my favourite spots in Palm Beach.
This was a shot I accidentally took of my R34 in Jenolan Caves. I don't know why but I really like it, and I ended up using this image for the packaging of my new air fresheners which are coming in a few weeks!
This is one of my favourite photos because moments after I took it, I was handed the keys and got to take it for a drive!
And last but not least.... Probably my all time favourite photo. Ever. Me with my R34 and Haylee's dog at Richmond Lowlands, which was taken on my camera and then edited by me. It was the morning after I had sliced my thumb open after cutting up some cardboard (I place a sheet in my orders to protect the stickers from bending), and I could barely drive my car or take photos, but I really wanted to create some cool content with the moody background. I didn't know how any of the shots turned out until I drove home, but once I loaded them up on my computer, I was so incredibly happy and the entire shoot turned out to be the most memorable shoots ever.
So that sums up my favourite photos taken throughout the year. Which one is your favourite?