Video: The Key to Staying Driven
After I finished work on Sunday afternoon, I met up with Andrew Mell (@meetandrew) to put together a quick little video. We had no plans or ideas for the video, we just wanted to get creative and put something together for you guys!
Whilst Andrew was filming, I decided to get out and take a few shots of my car in an industrial park. It was heaps overcast that day which meant the lighting was perfect for the look I was after.
And whilst I was doing my thing, I got a message on Instagram asking for some advice on how I always manage to stay so motivated, and I guess the key to staying so driven is to do the things you love. It's simple as that.
Each morning I wake up and surround myself with things that motivate and inspire me. I have my Stay Driven stickers subtly placed around my room, home office and car, and they constantly act as a reminder to stay motivated.
BTW the 滞在ドリブン stickers are finally back in stock this week! I have been getting so many emails and snapchats asking when they would be available, and I'm sorry they have taken so long to arrive. I also got them made in a bigger size this time, so I'm keen to start seeing them on peoples cars!
When I am not feeling motivated, or I’m going through tough times, I try to remember that blockages and setbacks, can be the most incredible fuel for our journey in life. That which whatever is holding you back if consciously channelled and combined with the courage to do the work, becomes the most powerful force to lift you back up.
There are days where I wonder why I even bother, but I've seen the truth in the notion that if you do something you love and you're fired up each day to do it, you will be successful. You can't worry about tomorrow, just do today what you love doing, and do it again when you wake up tomorrow.
If you are not feeling motivated then simply change your habits, your mindset, and surround yourself with people or things that can push you along.
I believe that opportunities in life will come to you, if you have a positive mindset and if you stay motivated. Let your life unfold the way that it's meant to by doing what you love and what feels right. Sometimes fate is knocking on our door every day in little ways and if we're so set on certain things, we don’t really see what's available to us. So keep working towards your goals no matter how hard it may be. Just never give up.
Anyways, I hope you guys enjoy the video we put together, and I hope it inspires you to find what it is that you are passionate about. For me that’s driving, taking photos and creating cool content.
And despite the opening scene where there are close ups of me (of course I get pimples the day we choose to film, I knew I should not have eaten that Maxibon :P) this video makes me soooo happy, and the overall vibe sums up what Stay Driven is all about!
Huge thanks to Andrew for putting this together!
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