Regional Explorer

Nature has always been a source of inspiration and wonder for human beings throughout history. From majestic mountains to crystal clear lakes, the natural world is full of breathtaking sights and sounds that can leave us in awe. For me, exploring and being in nature is not just a hobby or a way to pass the time – it's a passion that has been with me since I was a child.

There's something magical about being in the great outdoors, surrounded by trees, birds, and animals. It's a chance to disconnect from the hustle and bustle of daily life, and to reconnect with our inner selves. Whether I'm hiking a mountain trail, swimming in a river, or simply sitting on a rock and watching the sunset, being in nature is a way for me to find peace and clarity.

From the physical and mental health benefits to the sense of wonder and awe it can inspire, there are countless reasons to make nature a part of our lives, and I want to start sharing more of my love for exploring and being in nature, and to encourage others to experience the beauty and serenity that it has to offer. Queue “watch this space”…


P.S. My brother’s beautiful girlfriend, Mish, has launched a new platform called ‘Regional Explorer’, an outlet for explorers who love getting out of the city and connecting with our beautiful country, and I did a little guest post on the site, which you can view below!


Minnehaha Falls


Wild + Free Women's Retreat